This upgrade for the X-ray department has provided improvements in several ways. The patient experience has been enhanced by providing greater privacy during visits.   The reception area has been much improved but most important of all, this upgrade brings three new X-ray systems into action: a standard large overhead machine, a small state-of-the-art device for imaging the jaw and dental features, and an Agfa D300 which has a completely flexible arm and camera, allowing images to be taken at any angle.  The full use of the second room with its machine permits a higher number of patients through the department.  The Agfa has been funded by the Friends at a cost of about £65,000 and the Friends have also made a grant of £241,000 towards the works involved.  A separate very generous legacy provided funding for the remaining costs.  Harry Redknapp formally opened the new suite on 16 May 2023.

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